
Traveling responsible

Palmarin offer a unique opportunity for visitors to the area to contribute directly to the area environmental well being. Through the Bureau of Eco tourism's Palmarin Carbon Offset Program, visitors can purchase carbon offsets in the form of trees. The program offers to plant species important in combating environmental concerns facing the area such as beach erosion, fishery protection or habit rejuvenation. Palmarin Carbon Offset Program


Palmarin is rural community running along a 17km peninsula on the most southern stretches of Senegal's Petite Côte. To the West are the sandy beaches skirting the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Located to the East is the protected National Reserve de Palmarin, a patchwork delta consisting of mangrove channels, salt flats, grass lands and forest. This unique combination of habitat supports a wide assortment of plant and animal life.

The majority of the area’s residents live in one of five villages, from north to south Ngallo, Ngueth, Gounamane, Diakhanor and Djiffer. The dominant industries in the area are traditional fishing and tourism. Other smaller industries include salt, oyster and clam harvesting. The dominant ethnic group in the area is Sereer, speaking a distinct Soloum area dialect. French and Wolof are secondary languages also commonly spoken.


The travel seasons in Palmarin and most of Senegal is between the drier months of November through May. This time of year is characterized relatively little rainfall, lower humidity and milder temperatures. Temperatures range in the mid to high seventies during this time. The months of June through October see increased rainfall rising temperatures peaking around August through October.